Orange Gearle

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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

random political thoughts

I'm not going to mention Katherine Harris. Nor will I ask you to write ABC and demand that they pull their laced-with-lies fakeumentary due to air next week. It would be silly of me to bring up this nothing-new-but-all-in-one-place article about DeLay's corruption. And Condi. Oh Condi, Condi.

But I cannot allow the evening to go by without bringing this poll about Bush (unconvicted, probable felon) polling lower than fellow republican (and convicted felon) ex-Ill. Gov. George Ryan to your attention.

A new St. Louis Post-Dispatch poll finds U.S. President Bush is less popular in Illinois than former-Gov. George Ryan, who faces sentencing this week.


In Illinois, only 32 percent had a favorable opinion of Bush, while 35 percent had one of Ryan, also a Republican. That difference was within the poll's 3.5 percent standard of error but Ryan had a significantly lower negative rating, 56 percent, compared to 67 percent for Bush.


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