winter park folk fest - sunday edition
The folk fest continued today and so did the rain. This morning we listened to Hunkerdown Bluegrass and Kim Michalowski before it began to storm. Because it was thundering and lightening they held off on the show for a bit. So Hollyanne and I returned to our hotel room. We read a little and played the guitar.
Armed with our newly purchased ponchos we ventured back over to the venue as the lightening passed and we could see a bit of activity. We got there just in time for Jami (AKA Awnry Girl) to announce that they would not continue the show from the park, they were moving the show to the Voodoo Lounge (the location of the after party the previous night). This was exciting because it's been so cold and wet, but I was concerned about us all fitting into the small room. There was a wait of a few hours, so they could set everything up so Hollyanne and I returned to our hotel room. We read a little and played the guitar. It was then that I managed to break my guitar. It's fixable, but it's still stressing me out, and probably a small part of the reason that I am awake and unable to sleep right now. :-) My guitar issues stress me out on so many different levels, I should probably just sell it.

Next Tom Freund played. He was by far my favorite of the whole weekend. He's accomplished on many different instruments. When he plays the bass, it's my favorite, I think. Give Tom a listen here. Hollyanne noticed that when he plays the guitar he moves his right hand a lot like my friend Zoot Daze. In fact, he even hides a pick in his fingers while he plucks the strings. It's like a magic trick. :-)

Next up was Grammy Award winning Shawn Colvin. She was supposed to be the top of the bill, however, because everything was delayed from the rain, she switched places with John Gorka. Apparently she had to get somewhere and needed her original time slot. Now, I did enjoy her...but, she wasn't my favorite. I guess I'm not quite sure what the big deal is with her. Maybe I just need to listen to her more, but I doubt it. Someone must see something there....Grammy...Sony record deal, etc.

Right after Shawn played those that were on chairs gave them up. Why? Well, the Voodoo Lounge is the bar below a restaurant. The resteraunt had given up their chairs for the festival. So, they gave us the lounge, for free (of course we did buy some drinks), and gave us chairs from the restaurant, so they couldn't seet as many people in the restaurant. It was getting later, and the line for the restaurant was out the door, so everyone pitched in, moved the chairs and sat on the floor.
Last up, John Gorka. I saw him in Cedar Rapids at CSPS this spring. He's not a happy man. :-) He's interesting and all of his songs are depressing. In fact, the first time I saw him, I left at intermission because I kept tearing up. :-) But then, that's me and it was an emotional time in my life. He is an amazing song writer. I'm glad I had this opportunity to see him again.
The last couple of days have been indescribable....absolutely unbelievable. I wish I could experience this much music at least once a month. The total immersion in great's inspiring. I am so thankful for CSPS, but I wish there were more festivals like this in my area. I wonder if I could make that happen somehow? That sounds like a lot of work, but what else do I have to do?? Heh. That's just funny.
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