from the road friday
We did so much today and it's late. I'll just give the highlights with a few pictures!
We met a woman from Nepal. Her name is Tashi (phonetically). She is a very interesting woman that sold us some beautifully spiritual jewelry.

We went on a long hike up a mountain today. It was amazingly picturesque. Words cannot discribe it. We found snow. Hollyanne and I both tried our hand at rock climbling, unsuccessfully. :-) There were more waterfalls. We found someone's poop! We hiked up to an area that is right at the tree line or a bit below. Absolutely fantastic!

At Hollyanne's request we visited the Argo Mill and Gold Mine. We listened to the history of the mine, completed a self-guided tour, and then got to pan for gold.

Tonight we attended a song writing workshop lead by Stacey Earle and Mark Stuart. We got to meet and talk with Stacey and Mark prior to the workshop. They both remembered us right away, called me by name and greeted us both with hugs. When I was turning off my cell phone before we began I said, "Why does a cell phone make noise when you are turning it off? That just doesn't make sense." Stacey agreed and showed me how to make my cell phone NOT do that anymore. I told her that I would tell people that "Stacey Earle fixed my cell phone." She writes beautiful music, "she's cute" (someone once told me) and she is helpful. What more could you ask for? :-) Mark informed me that my email to John and Mel at CSPS may have worked! Mark and Stacey finally heard back from them (they've been trying to for years) and they are ironing out a date in April for them to perform. The workshop was wonderful, of course. Afterwards a bunch of us stayed after and played guitars. That was extra fun.

We are both tired and anxious for tomorrow!

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