Matt is home!
Yesterday afternoon while instant messaging with Matt he informed me that he was coming home early. As I wrote in an earlier diary, he was supposed to be coming home Thursday or Friday of this week. Matt informed me that, in fact, his flight was leaving in 4 hours (about 4:15 pm Hawaii time). He also told me that I couldn't tell anyone!! His brother picked him up at the airport, his flight was late, of course. He called me as he stepped off the plane around 11 am this morning (my time).
But I still had to keep it quiet, because he wasn't 'home' yet! His brother drove him to his maternal grandparent's house. He surprised his parents, grandparents and a few other relatives there. They were all gathered together to celebrate the holiday. Matt said I could just come on over, but I thought I should give them a bit of family time first. So, after letting them have a couple of hours together, my daughter and I visited him this afternoon. He looks absolutely fantastic! When I saw him before he went back to Hawaii (8 months ago now), he was very thin and not much muscle tone. Those of you that know Matt are aware that Matt has always lifted weights and he was a wrestler in high school. He looked much more like himself today.
Unfortunately, Matt was very camera shy! Also, my camera wasn't working the best (probably user error). So, most of the pictures that I did get were of Matt giving me the finger (because he didn't want his picture taken), blurry, or when he wasn't looking. :-) Sorry about that.
After lots of hugs, a few tears and some pictures, we went to Matt's grandmother's house (My Aunt). She was very surprised. She beat the shit out of him! :-) "Why didn't you tell me you little shit!" Smiling the whole time, of course....and the beating ended with a big hug.
Thank you to everyone that has been following Matt's story. I will be taking zoOTDAze's advice and writing thank you notes to the congress critters that responded to our calls for help. This diary will have to serve as my thank you to all that wrote letters, made phone calls or said I know there are many more of you than I am aware of.
Enjoy the pics!

nice pictures! I share that last one with you! Pretty Good! You and yours take care and best of luck!
Welcome home Matt. We hope to hear from you after you settle in. We still have your back Marine.
even though we've never met in real life, i feel like i know you from your cousin chronicling your story.
i want to say thank you for your courage and your service. i also want to apologize for all you've endured in that service.
i know that i am one among many who are so glad you are safely home - and know that we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers!
welcome home, matt! may your life be filled with dreams come true!
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