(crossposted at
Daily Kos)
Many of you have been following the story, A Marine 'waiting around for chow'. Links to:
Part one.
Part two.
Part three.
We have now entered part four: Operation Calling in the Troops.
Today I sent a letter to Sen. Harkin, Sen. Grassley, Rep. Leach (federal congressmen from Iowa),
all of the State of Iowa Legislators, as well as Sen. Kerry (Matt met Kerry while he was home on convalescent leave-- see pic). I also sent the letter to all of the staff that work in my school district (Matt attended school in the same district). I have heard from several teachers, many that do not know him but have sent out emails!

Although they are not currently in session, I have received several responses from state legislators. I even received a
phone call from a Senator on the other side of the state. Everyone has been very supportive of the situation.
Here's how you can help: Cut and paste this letter into an email (or write your own if you'd like) and send it to
everyone. He isn't home yet. I won't stop until he is.
To get you started:
Dear Senator,
A marine wounded in the War on Terror needs your help. Three months after deployment to Afghanistan, Lance Corporal Mathew Wilson from Fox 2/3 was out on a mission with his unit. Insurgents surrounded them, and a firefight broke out. During the exchange, he was shot first in the front of his lower left leg, just missing the shinbone. The bullet exited through his calf. A second bullet entered his left buttock and out through his thigh. He lost a lot of blood and nearly died while waiting 3 hours for the helicopter transport. The good news is he is alive.
After hospitalization, Matt was sent home to Cedar Rapids, Iowa for sixty days of convalescent leave. On November 11 he was ordered to return in a wheelchair, to his base in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. Due to the severe damage to his sciatic nerve, it was clear to all that a medical discharge was in order.
Since November there have been many unnecessary delays. I won’t go into every detail; I will just explain how he needs your help now.
Although Mathew has received and signed his Medical Discharge papers, he is still in Hawaii. Mathew needs one more signature to come home. When he was injured, his government issued gear was lost. He cannot complete the check out process until his CO, Captain Davis, signs a "Missing Gear Statement" which would officially affirm that the equipment was lost due to his wounds and was not medivaced out with him, thus he can't be held liable for it. Although Mathew followed the chain of command to ensure that these papers were delivered to Captain Davis, they were not signed before the captain’s departure to California. Captain Davis will be in California for further training for one month. With this signature, Mathew would be able to come home as soon as he completes his separation class (on June 22). Mathew cannot wait another month to return home – he has already waited seven months.
I urge you to use your influence to help Mathew come home to his family.
Sincerely, your name your address your phone number your email |
I sent them all an e-mail.
Thanks. The last couple of days have been intense. I have great stories. I'm on iChat if you want.
It worked mom! :-)
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