I was lucky enough to see my nephew this weekend. He is growing up so fast! His mommy and daddy are expecting their second, a girl, in late September or early October. He loves remote controls. He carries them everywhere he goes. I didn't get very many good pics because he was on the go, constantly. And then of course, I realized that I had my camera on the wrong setting, so I got a lot of blurry ones! However, I did get a few good ones to share.
Not only does he love remotes, he is also a budding photographer. When I gave him my camera, he slowed down a bit, and took pictures. I got a few good ones of him (with my mom's camera that we got her for mother's day).
He is talking a bit. "Uh-oh" is his favorite. He especially likes to say it when he knows he's done something wrong. ☺ He can point to every part of his body when asked "Where's your eyes? Where's your nose?" etc. Also, he likes to tell you what different animals (and vehicles) say. VERY cute. Maybe next time I'll figure out a way to get either a video clip or audio clip of him doing it. Anyway, enjoy the pics! (He took the picture of his mommy.)

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