my feet hurt
Today was the Freedom Festival parade. The performance company in which Hollyanne participates was in the parade. Mom and I perched ourselves at the begining of the parade route, in front of Democratic Headquarters. There were a couple of interesting adventures in store for us today.

That's right, with Ronand McDumbsfeld! Maybe everyone knew that except me...but I certainly didn't. I think I may do a bit more research on this and write an entire diary about it. Why? Because I think there is a lot to learn about Jim Leach -- a lot that the people of Johnson County (especially) probably don't know. At least I hope not. There are a lot of people that support Leach that I wouldn't think would enjoy his real politics if they knew it. However, I should do the research first. Then I'll get back to you! Link to his professional biography here. Before I knew the above information, I saw Mr. Leach along the parade route. Now, you all know that I have been writing letters about Matt...Jim Leach was on the list. I do find it a bit interesting that I've heard from Harkin (D), but not Grassley (R) or Leach (R). Don't you? Well, during the parade, as Leach's crew was walking by, I proudly held up my CULVER sign. I wasn't vocal, but I was visual. :-) Until one of the Repubs walking with him (some congress guy...not sure of his name) came over to me and tried to put his arm around me and said, "We should get a picture taken...who has a camera?" Now, keep in mind...we are in front of Democratic Headquarters. I didn't say much, until Leach came over. He held out his hand, I shook it and said, "Hey, I've been waiting for an email from you. I'm in your district and I sent you an email on Monday. It was a plea for help for a Marine." Now, to his credit, the parade was continuing....he kept waking, however, he did walk backwards as he asked, "What does he need?" I told him that Matt is injured and needs to come home. I also said, "Check your email for his story." He asked my name (now almost around the corner) and I yelled it his way. Interesting. We'll see if I hear from him.

When the parade concluded the work began. Our agenda: Open House at Democratic Headquarters, meet and listen to Chet Culver, canvass the area promoting absentee ballot voting. Any extra time? Make phone calls!!

About 11:20 we heard from Chet's "people". They had a flat tire around Williamsberg and weren't going to be able to make it. Chet had a really tight schedule today, so he was going to have to skip us and move on to his next location. Very

About fifteen or twenty minutes after the announcement was made, another announcement -- Chet was going to be able to make it after all. So, Hollyanne, the canvassers and a few volunteers began making phone calls while we waited for Chet to arrive.

Above: Chet arrives. Below: Chet and The Crew

Matt's parents and grandmother were there to meet Chet, too. Below is a picture of Chet meeting The Wilson's, a picture of "our fearless and very young leaders" at headquarters, as well as one a bit more personal to me. After the photo ops, we all went out canvassing. We knocked on the doors of registered Democrats encouraging them to vote absentee. Why? If you vote absentee, you save the party time, money and people. If we sign you up, then we don't have to worry about you any more. You are taken care of, saving us time spent calling you. :-) Hollyanne and I knocked on many doors and gave out absentee requests to quite a few people. Tomorrow, we meet Loebsack and knock on doors again! I'm hot, I'm tired, and my feet hurt! Enjoy the pictures...a Matt update will be posted soon.

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