truckstop honeymoon
You know me....I've been burning the candle at both ends again lately. Friday night I fell asleep about six pm and slept until the next day!!! Sometimes I just go and go until I collapse! I think I get that from my mother.
Hollyanne has now had two days of work. This is going to be so good for her. She's such a bright girl and she catches on to things very quickly....they compliment her for it....and that is just good for her.
I've been catching a lot of live music over the last few weeks....The Burlington Street Blue Grass Band, a bluegrass festival, The Clumsy Lovers, Nick Stika, The Mayflies, a name I can't remember, and Truckstop Honeymoon. Most of this has been bluegrass, but not all. For some reason there has been a lot of blue grass around here lately!! The best part -- some of it's been free! Ya gotta love that!!
I was fortunate to get the opportunity to see Truckstop Honeymoon twice in a matter of days. This husband-wife duo is very fun. She plays the bass fiddle and he plays the banjo or the guitar. Actually, I am assuming they are married. They have children together that travel with them, in fact, she is pregnant and due to have their third child in June. They have two different last names, so maybe they are life-partners or maybe she kept her name. Who cares? :-)
They currently call Lawrence, KS their home. Originally from New Orleans, they were displaced a little over a year ago "due to a little storm down there" (in their words). They wrote a song about St. Bernard Parish called Down Wind from the Refinery. Admittedly they are still attracted to cyclonic circulation...they live in Kansas for goodness sake.
My first opportunity to see them was on Thursday. I went to The Mill with my friend Wendy, her husband Jeremy, and their friend, was Jeremy's birthday! After the first two lines of this song, Wendy and I looked at each other and she said what I was thinking....Walk of Shame (which does happen to be the title). Very funny...and sad...and true...and funny. :-) Anyone that has been in Iowa City on a Saturday or Sunday morning can speak to the truth of this song. Wendy thinks it should be Iowa City's theme song...I say any college town will do.

My second opportunity was in Madison, WI. They were just as good there. Jeff went too. He seemed to enjoy himself, nearly as much as I did. I do wish I was a dancer...and by that I do not mean as my profession! LOL People look like they are having fun when they dance....I am uncomfortable and self-conscience. I have no idea why. Probably the same reason I won't do karaoke. It's not that I can't sing, I just don't want to make a fool out of myself. :-)
The opening band in Madison was called Those Poor Bastards. Gothic Country. Hilarious. Actually, only one of the bastards could be it was one guy, with a microphone and guitar singing very angry music. One song in particular, called Radio Country, had me practically rolling on the floor. We all know how much I like Top 40 Country....well...this song is about that, sorta, and it favorite word. :-)
I've linked some Truckstop Honeymoon songs within this diary, but really it's best to see them. They are very cute with each other and funny, of course. One of my favorite songs is called Bad News. They sang it both nights, as a sing along. It's all about being a Vacation Bible School drop out. LOL Who thinks of that? Another couple enjoyable ones are The Woman You Married and Johnny & June. The former was particularly fun the second night because they allowed the crowd to sing the horn parts (because, of course, there were no horns in attendance). The latter is a song about Johnny Cash and June Carter. :-) Enjoyable.

Bwahahaha!! Only Donnie would could come up with something this funny!!!! Go ahead purty Gearl, click on the name and see the new level of humor. I dare you! Okay, so I know you wanna! HAHAHA!
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