random (but certainly not deep) thoughts
last day of school

Today was the last day of school for the kids. I am no longer a kindergarten teacher. Check out the picture above. The top part is a picture of Kirstin and me. Kirstin is wearing a santa hat and I am donning a snowflake crown because this was taken at our Winter Party (can't call it 'Christmas Party', because of the commi-pinko War on Christmas...errr something). The drawing is the best part. Kirstin has drawn a picture of the two of us. We have speech bubbles coming out of our mouths. I am saying, "Kirstin!" and she is saying, "Ms. Howe!".....I was informed that we are seeing each other from across the room, running toward each other (I'm picturing in it in slow motion, but that's just my addition to the story, not Kirstin's take on it). The best part - look closely. I have brown hair, Kirstin has yellow. Who is taller??? :-)
I have birds nesting in my house. Really! A while back I thought I heard a bird in my dryer vent. I ran the dryer anyway, thinking it would just go away.

dixie chicks, revisited
I figured it out. One of the reasons I like Bitter End is because Gary Louris of The Jayhawks co-wrote it with the ladies.
Happy birthday John. Happy birthday Grandpa Jim.
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